Exam Room Chairs |
For any medical center, whether
in a pediatric waiting room or
hospital, exam room chairs are an
essential piece of furniture for any
medical practitioner. Keep them simple
but fundamentally durable, we have
examination room chairs that are weight
rated at 300LBS and up ensuring all your
patients and visitors are accommodated.
From a sled base to 4-leg, you need your
exam room chairs fo Doctors offices
sturdy and heavy duty.
Office-Chairs-Discount.com has you
covered when it comes to exam room
chairs for medical facilities. Style and
comfort, while still a
priority, are not essential as your
patients will not be sitting in them for
an extended amount of time. Upholstering
exam room chairs for Doctors offices in
antimicrobial healthcare vinyl is a must
if you want them padded, making them
easy to maintain and ensures
bacteria/germs can be wiped out with
just a soft cloth, warm water and a
gentle soap solution. Stackable plastic
chairs are also a great option as it
allows your cleaners to save time while
they are keeping floors clean each and
every night after business hours. We
have the solution your Doctors
examination room chairs. Consider
Office-Chairs-Discount.com today for
all your exam room chair needs. Also,
feel free to
contact us for any additional